Thursday 4 October 2018

Your Smile... by Suzy Loudon

A big Hello to all. Today I share a layout using Colour Sprays, Paste & Embossing Powder...oh & Gesso.
Keep reading to find out how my layout came together.

To begin my layout I spread Heavy White Gesso  where I wanted to add colour.

Using my Lagoon Colour Spray, I added small amounts onto the gesso using a dropper. Then a spray with water before using my heat gun to dry, moving the colour around as I dried pooling the colour. This made some areas deeper. I did this until all the gesso was covered.

I spread  Dusty Charcoal Colour Paste through a stencil.

It was time to colour my white flowers. Using my Lagoon Colour Spray I put a small amount onto my messy mat then added water. Using my paint brush I dabbed the colour onto the flowers letting them absorb the colour. With each flower I added a little more water making them lighter as I went. I forgot to take a photo of all the flowers, but all of them are using Lagoon only...from no water to lots of water.
Lastly I used Roadbase Colour Spray for some black flowers.

After raising my photos with some backing cardboard I covered them before splattering some watered down Heavy White Gesso around my layout.

I painted my chipboard title with Heavy White Gesso before embossing it with Snow White  Colour Embossing Powder.

I painted my chipboard with Heavy White Gesso before spraying it with Rainforest Colour Spray.

I put all my elements together adding some lace, art stones & frame.
Here's a few close ups of my finished layout.

Thanks for stopping by.
xxx Suzy

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